Natural Cures For Congested Chest Due To Cough

By Patricia | June 4, 2009

Coughing is one of the most common things that occur in people, both in adults and in children. In fact, it is so common that you will be surprised at how often people cough in their lives. We all think we know what coughing is, but there are a number of reasons why a person coughs. In this article, we will deal specifically with chest cough and cough congestion.


Congestion as we know is a blockage. Usually, the passageways in the chest will get congested due to three reasons.

  • Cold or flu
  • Pneumonia
  • Post nasal drip

Cold and pneumonia display very similar symptoms, with the only difference being the bacteria or virus that causes it. The infection by the pathogen results in the body fighting against it and trapping it in a sticky layer of mucus, which hardens to form phlegm. When the infection is high, a lot of this phlegm is formed, resulting in cough due to congestion.

Coughing is a reflex action where a large volume of air is expelled out of the lungs in a very short time in order to expel any obstruction, in this case, phlegm.

Tips to reduce cough

As mentioned earlier, there can be a number of reasons for coughing. Coughing is not a problem in itself; it is only a sign of some other problem affecting the body. Therefore, you need to look at the root cause of cough if you want to reduce it.

For example, smokers constantly have a dry cough because smoking will dehydrate the respiratory system, causing inflammation resulting in a cough. The only way to reduce this cough is to stop smoking.

However, if the coughing is due to other causes as in this case due to congestion, there are a few things that can be done.


Medication is usually not recommended, and most doctors prefer to go with home therapies or with decongestants rather than cough suppressants. However, listed below are some of the common medical options for chest cough.

  • Cough suppressant medication, although not recommended because coughing is a reflex action and suppressing cough may result in other problems.
  • Vapor rub: Studies using have shown them to be effective at reducing congestion, in turn reducing cough.
  • Antibiotics: Although the prescription and use of antibiotics is reducing, sometimes it may have to be used to reduce infection levels and in turn to reduce congestion levels.

Alternative treatment

  • Yoga breathing exercises can be done to widen airways, increasing the volume of air breathed in. They are also very good preventive mechanisms, preventing infection in the respiratory tract.

Home remedies:

  • Steam inhalation therapy: This is one of the oldest treatments for cough congestion. The steam will dilute the phlegm, causing it to be expelled easily. A little bit of eucalyptus oil will help soothe the nasal passages and the throat.
  • Water: Drinking a lot of water also helps to keep the body hydrated. It also thins out the mucus, making it easy to cough it out.
  • Lying face down on the bed, with the head hanging over the side and asking someone to pat you on the back while you cough will not only relieve the cough but will also help to force the phlegm out.

Foods that reduce cough

In many cultures, cough congestion is treated with food. Listed below are some foods that are believed to help relive cough congestion.

  • Eating spicy food, especially black pepper is very good because the pepper works to eliminate phlegm and reduce cough.
  • Fruits to ease coughing: All fruits that contain vitamin C such as citrus fruits help to alleviate cough and reduce congestion. Most berries are also very good if taken without sugar. This is because the sugar promotes bacterial multiplication, unlike honey that suppresses it.
  • Vegetables: Vegetables that are rich in beta carotene are also very good chest cough suppressants. They can be either eaten raw, or after being juiced.

Homemade cough syrups:

  • Syrup made of six medium onions and four tablespoons of honey heated for two hours over a slow flame is believed to relieve cough. The mixture must be strained before use.
  • 10 radishes in half a cup of water and one cup of lemon juice boiled for half an hour in low heat is also believed to work similarly. A little bit of honey is added in order to give it taste and also soothe the throat.
  • Syrup made of crushed anise, chamomile, linden and cloves boiled in one pot of water for three minutes is believed to work very well to relive cough congestion. Lemon juice and honey can be added to this mixture.

Mostly coughing for up to a couple of weeks is not considered serious. It is only when the coughing extends beyond this period that you have to think of how to reduce cough and consider ways to treat it.
Home remedies are usually more than sufficient to cure 99% of coughs. However, consult with your doctor if you feel that there is something more serious behind the coughing.

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