Heartburn is experienced as a burning pain, especially behind the breastbone. You may also experience flatulence and gas along with heartburn. You may feel slightly heavy and uneasy. Sometimes, when the heartburn is severe, it may seem as if you are experiencing a heart attack.
Maintaining a good diet is very important in order to reduce heartburn. Since heartburn after exercise is almost always linked to the kind of food you eat and your meal habits, it is important to ensure that you consume good food.
It is also important to keep an interval of at least 1 to 2 hours between a meal and your exercise. Avoid eating certain kinds of foods before you begin your exercises. Aerated drinks, tomato based gravies and sauces, citrus juices, caffeinated drinks, chocolate, and alcohol are some of the foods that increase the likelihood of experiencing heartburn after exercising. It is also advisable not to overeat before you exercise. If you have an especially strenuous exercise schedule planned out, ensure that you only have a light meal before you start. Take care to keep yourself hydrated during your exercise.
There are certain types of exercises that may involve a lot of movement. Such exercises are more likely to push the digestive juices from the stomach into the esophagus. Even gentle exercises such as yoga may cause heartburn. Inverted poses and headstands are most likely to cause heartburn. High impact aerobics, power yoga and crunches involve sudden movements that promote regurgitation and acid reflux.
There are also certain other exercises such as walking, cycling and swimming which do not increase the likelihood of heartburn. Usually exercises which involve cardiovascular workouts are safer for those who experience chronic heartburn. These are also safer exercises for those who suffer from conditions such as GERD and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you change your diet and perform a regimented exercise schedule, you may see a lot of change in your heartburn. However, if you still continue to experience the symptoms, you should consult a doctor and get yourself tested for gastrointestinal problems that may be causing these symptoms.