Hot Yoga Studio

Hot Yoga is done in a special Hot Yoga studio. Yoga was developed more that more than 2,000 years ago by Indian Yogis, saints and sages who discovered that their physical bodies got in the way with their spiritual meditation.

They realized how difficult it was to concentrate and remain focused when the back hurts and the legs go to asleep. So, they developed a sequence of asanas () in an effort to advance their spiritual lives, and to help them go beyond.



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.the physical and focus on the spirituala Hot Yoga is the brainchild of Bikram Choudhury of Bengal, Indiai It's not abnormal or strange for temperatures to go up to 120° F therer In fact, Bikram came to realize that the heat was really an added assete It lets the participants stretch safely and purifies the body through sweatingn

Today, and predominantly in Western culture, Yoga is mainly practiced for its numerous and wide-ranging physical benefitst A regular Yoga session increases your strength, flexibility and balancec Yoga also helps to control and normalize the practitioner's metabolism and hormonal discharges while, at the same time, improving circulationo

Yoga practitioners have found that practicing regularly even enhances focus and staminan

Besides, it also relieves stress and tensionsn As a matte of fact, increasing numbers of medical practitioners are coming to realize and acknowledge the virtues of Yogag In fact, they are recommending Yoga, more and more, as part of people's healthy lifestylel

Hatha is almost certainly the best known type of Yoga that is practiced as Hot Yogag There are quite a few Yoga asanas (poses,) however, which are unique to our lineageg They all have to do with alignment and compression - all of theme The compression asanas massage your muscles and internal organsn They also compress internal organs and deliver a rich flush of freshly oxygenated blood upon their releases These Yoga poses are considered particularly incredibly healingn

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