Home Remedies for Treating Skin Boils On Buttocks

By Patricia | June 5, 2009

Most people suffer from boils on their buttocks. These skin boils or skin abscesses are localized infections in the skin. It is important that you get these boils or abscesses treated as soon as possible, because if the skin condition is left untreated, it could spread and cause infection to the surrounding areas. Moreover, it would be very uncomfortable to sit or go about with daily activities with the infection causing much distress.

Recurring skin boils on the buttocks need to be checked by a doctor to determine its underlying cause, for example, to check for signs of a poor immunity system. One main reason that can cause recurring boils is the presence of the Staphylococcus bacteria. Even though these bacteria are found on most people who are healthy, some people tend to be more inclined towards skin infections and furuncles. The staph bacteria have the ability to rapidly infest and reproduce in broken skin following a small cut or skin wound. Antibiotics are usually recommended by doctors to get rid of Staphylococcus bacteria and cut down the risk of recurring boils, and other secondary skin infection.

Some Home Remedies

One of the most common reasons for skin boils on the buttocks is due to clogged sweat glands that get infected. If you are prone to recurrent skin boils due to plugged sweat glands, you can adopt some measures take to preclude them from forming.

  • Wash your skin with medicated antibacterial cleansing agents, especially formulated to prevent the bacteria from growing and infecting the skin pores.
  • Use a loofah or an abrasive brush as it is useful in breaking up oil blockages that form around hair follicles.
  • Clean your hands thoroughly before and after treating the area with medicated ointments. It is important to clean the hands as the harmful staph pathogens can well be transmitted to other body parts. The bacteria tends to reside inside the nails of the fingers, hence one must avoid scratching, or squeezing the skin boils in the area to prevent infection.
  • Cover the infected area with proper dressing as directed by the doctor. If there is pus present in the boils, it should be cleaned at frequent intervals with salved cotton wool or disinfected clean piece of dressing. Your medical expert may show you how to dress the affected region.
  • Recurrent boils can also be due to high stress. A light exercise performed daily including meditation and stretching exercises can keep your mind stress-free.
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