Natural remedy to cure allergic cough and asthma

By Patricia | June 20, 2009

Allergy cough, Cough allergies, Asthma: What is the natural remedy for cough which causes due to allergies?

The first step to curing you of cough allergies would be to eliminate the source of the allergens in the first place. You will have to eliminate all the possible sources of the allergies before any cure would be effective. It is also important that you do this quickly as letting an allergic reaction continue is nothing short of an invitation to a bacterial infection due the presence of mucus in the respiratory tract. To identify the allergen responsible, ascertain if the cough is induced by being in a certain place or at a certain time Also, keep a keen nose for any significant smell that starts a coughing episode.

An allergic reaction is generally the same reaction that the body has for infections and this reaction is called an inflammation. Inflammation is the immune system’s response to an irritant and a foreign body and the first thing that happens is the secretion of mucus and swelling. Both of these reactions are caused by a substance called histamine. In the case of an infection, mucus and swelling usually cordon off the invading pathogen to a place where the body’s white blood cells can attack and destroy the pathogen. In the case of allergens, the production of mucus traps the allergen and prevents it from going further down into the respiratory system where it could cause more damage.

The prime method that is used by modern medicine is to block the production of histamines using antihistamines. These antihistamines are substances like diphehydramine, which is a staple ingredient of most decongestants. In very advanced allergies like in the case of asthma, corticosteroids have to be administered. These are steroid anti-inflammatory medicine and while they are very effective also have side effects. The biggest being the reason that they are administered in the first place – reducing the immune system response. This makes the use of corticosteroids a double-edged sword. Natural anti-allergic remedies and anti-inflammatory herbs include ginger, which is ideally mixed with tea and is the most effective to use in respiratory inflammations. A lot has to be said about the strategy of removing the allergen using a technique like forced sneezing as well. This is where the humble black peppercorn is of great use. Black pepper has the ability to induce sneezing and sometimes even coughing. This may sound like an odd therapy but works to eliminate the source of the cough while it is stuck in the mucus of the throat.

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