Home Remedies for Gas And Bloating

By Patricia | August 18, 2009

Suffering from flatulence, as the passing of gas from the stomach is known, is a common problem that almost every one has suffered at some point in their lives. It is usually caused by irregular eating habits, overeating, not chewing your food properly, and eating the wrong combinations of foods. Other troublemakers such as the excessive consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee, and junk food cause flatulence as well. If you want to get rid of the problem of gas, you must eat slowly and chew your food well before swallowing it. Ensure that you do not drink water about 15 minutes after eating. You should also ensure that you do not lie down for at least two hours after eating. Your meals should also be followed by a short walk of about 10 minutes. If you avoid eating foods like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, and legumes, you won’t suffer from gas. Avoid consuming carbonated drinks as much as possible. Ensure that you drink at least eight glasses of water everyday.

Stress is also an important reason for the occurrence of gas. You must try to be as relaxed as possible. A daily regime of light exercises for about half an hour will also help you digest your food properly. One of the most effective herbs to treat almost all the problems of the stomach, like gas and indigestion, is ginger. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substance which helps make fat easier to digest. You can just chew on a small piece of ginger when you are troubled by gas. You can also mix ginger with honey and have a teaspoonful of the mixture. Another way of having ginger is mixing small pieces in lime juice and taking it after every meal. Garlic is another remedy that can expel gases, promote digestion, and get rid of gastric problems. Eat about three cloves of garlic every day or use it to flavor your food. Consuming coconut water everyday will also help you greatly in treating the problem. Cumin seeds are also very effective in treating flatulence. Roast a teaspoonful of cumin seeds in a pan till they change color. Add these roasted seeds to two cups of water and then boil it for five to ten minutes or till the essence of cumin seeds has blended into the water and the boiling water is reduced to a cup. Take this decoction once a day to decrease flatulence. This will also be easy on your stomach.

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