Yoga Poses (Asanas) To Get Rid of Dark Circles

By Patricia | January 19, 2009
Yoga Poses (Asanas) To Get Rid of Dark Circles

Any Yoga Asanas To Keep My Face Bright, Also Get Rid Of Dark Circles

Yes, yoga does help to get rid of dark circles and regular practice helps to keep your skin glowing. Yoga works on your dark circles by increasing the blood circulation to your face. This helps the clean blood and oxygen to reach your face quickly and thus reduces dark circles. Also when you practice yoga it helps with the problems like stress and relaxes you so you sleep well and you do not get dark circles anymore.

Your skin around the eyes is more sensitive as compared to the rest of your face and body. It is also very thin and thus gets easily affected by stress and external weather conditions. Constant sun exposure especially during summer may cause the skin around your eyes to darken more than the skin on the rest of your face resulting in dark circles. Certain food allergies and infections may also cause dark circles. Certain medications that dilate your blood vessels may also cause the dark circles as the skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate and an increase in blood will show through the skin. Poor nutrition results in lack of certain vitamins and cause nutritional deficiencies that also lead to dark circles. Excessive stress or lack of sleep also leads to dark circles. Certain yoga asanas or poses are very useful in treating dark circles. The inverted Yoga asanas or postures are excellent in reducing dark circles. But people suffering from slipped disc or sciatica should avoid it. Also those with high blood pressure, cervical spondylitis, and heart problems should avoid it and women should also avoid the same during their menstruation cycles. Yoga asanas or poses like the Sirshasana or the headstand, Kapalbhati or the breath of fire, Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand are all excellent for the treatment of dark circles.

Sirshasana or The Head Stand:

This yoga asana or pose is considered to be the king of all asanas as it has several benefits for your body. It helps to treat several problems and is one of the basic asana or pose in yoga.

Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand:

In this asana or pose your body has to rest on your shoulders. This asana or pose helps to strengthen the abdominal area, stimulates the thyroid gland and improves the blood circulation. The blood comes rushing to your upper body as this is an inverted pose and this helps the clean blood and oxygen to reach your face and this effectively treats dark circles.

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