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Running And Walking Marathon Training Program
Patricia | October 23, 2010
In the past, a “marathon” defined a race, where the participants had to run on the road. However, in the recent years walkers have become an integral part of marathons too. Therefore, race walking marathon events have become very popular all across the United States. This could be because many people, who do not have the strength or the stamina to run for a long distance, may prefer to compete in a walking race. Moreover, walking a half marathon has also become quite popular event amongst several people, and there has been a corresponding rise in interest about marathon training. Half a marathon can be described as a walking race on the road, where the distance of about 21,097.5 meters (or 13.1 miles) needs to be covered by the participants, to complete the race. This is half the distance of a regular running or walking marathon and therefore, it is not as challenging as regular marathons are. Those people, who are relatively fit and are in the habit of walking on a regular basis, may find it quite easy to walk the distance of 13.1 miles. Nevertheless, in case a person is plans on walking a marathon event, it is necessary to start a marathon training program at least 12 weeks in advance. Marathon training is quite important for both walking and running marathons and should not be treated trivially.
A Walking Marathon Schedule For Training
If it is a beginner, who is training for a marathon, then challenging, but realistic goals need to be set. Before training begins or even goals are set, the participant’s physical condition needs to be taken into consideration. It is important to gauge the walker’s level of fitness accurately, so that it does not lead to disappointment later on. In a 12 week marathon training program, only about half an hour or so should be spent walking initially. Gradually, the duration should be increased a bit every day. This technique is important for building stamina. Fortunately, unlike training for other sports events, walking requires no special equipment, except for a pair of good, comfortable and well fitting walking shoes. Using a new pair of shoes for the final even could be very uncomfortable. Therefore, it is advisable to buy a comfortable pair of shoes early on and use them during the practice sessions.
Walking A Half Marathon
However, if a person plans on walking a marathon, or even competing in a half marathon event, it is best to undergo a complete physical exam and get a doctor’s “go ahead” for participation. This is especially important for elderly people or those people who are suffering from any preexisting medical conditions.