Maintaining Good Health Through Meditation

By Patricia | October 23, 2008
Meditation For Good Health

Meditation allows an individual to utilize the untapped potential of the human mind. It helps to improve concentration and memory, and reduces stress. Meditation can also have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood pressure. A person who meditates regularly will also be less liable to panic when in a crunch.

Ideally, mediation should be an integral part of one's daily fitness routine. However, meditation alone cannot guarantee perfect health. While meditation will ensure that your mind stays healthy, and also keep many physical problems at bay, in order to ensure perfect health, there are two more things that you will have to do: exercise your body, and eat healthy.

Exercise- While meditation exercises the mind, it is also important that the body receives its share of exercise too. The human body is an amazingly adaptable organism, and if no demands are placed on the body, it will soon become weak. This weakening of the body will eventually make it susceptible to various diseases.

Regular exercise ensures that the body is constantly challenged physically. When the body is challenged, it responds to this challenge by becoming fitter. Any form of regular exercise, even a half an hour walk every day, will ensure that your muscles stay lean and your heart and lungs stay young.

If you want to incorporate meditation with your physical exercise, you can do this very easily by practicing Yoga. This ancient Indian discipline uses a variety of scientifically designed poses to maintain the body's strength and flexibility. It also incorporates breathing and meditation techniques. Thus, regular practice of Yoga will not only ensure a fit body, but also a fit mind.

Eat healthy- You are what you eat. If you eat junk, then no matter how often you exercise, or how frequently you meditate, you will not become healthier. A proper diet is the third essential building block of perfect health. Your diet has a direct impact on your health. An improper diet can lead to obesity, which in turn opens the door to a number of ailments. It does not take a lot of time or effort to ensure that you eat healthily. Incorporate green vegetables and fruit, avoid fatty foods and red meat, drink in moderation, and resist the urge to overeat. A bit of planning, discipline and willpower is all it takes to ensure that you enjoy the fruits of perfect health.

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