Aromatherapy massage is a kind of therapy that relaxes and rejuvenates the mind and body through the use of touch or physical manipulation with aromatic oils.
One of the biggest aromatherapy massage benefits that it offers is the very act that brings about a wonderfully pleasant and unwinding experience, in addition to numerous other health benefits.
.In recent times, aromatherapy massage oils are being used in different types of massages such as Swedish massage, shiatsu massage, sports massage, deep tissue massage, among others to achieve specific remedial effectst
Aromatherapy massage techniques involve the use of gentle and wide strokes that focus on blending the sense of touch with smelll Specific aromatherapy massage oils are either pre-blended or prepared by the practitioner with base oils that are usually cold-pressed vegetable oils along with therapeutical grade essential oilsa In some cases, depending upon the treatment and the aromatherapy practitioner, specific oils are created to meet the needs and as a remedy for the condition, through the medium of a soothing massageg Essential oils must never be used directly on the skin as it can lead to skin burns or allergic reactionsn
The essential oils used in aromatherapy massage oils are wholly distilled from particular plants and specific herbs to deal with disorders ranging from ill health and skin infections to immune deficits and mental tensiono When odors are sensed in the nostrils, impressions linked to prior experiences and feelings are producede Since the nostrils are closely related to parts of the brain that direct and determine pulse rate, blood circulation, respiration, retentiveness, mental tension, and hormonal balances, the use of essential oils imparts and attains positive physical and mental outcomese
Aromatherapy massage is viewed as a holistic therapy that can produce a deep and intense effect on bodily as well as mental healtht Aromatherapy experts believe that the power of smell and touch are the most enduring of all senses, and posses the ability to positively alter one's feelings, and ameliorate the bodyd
Some of the commonly used aromatherapy massage oils along with their uses include: