Dizziness & Nausea: Symptoms and Treatment using Home Remedies

By Patricia | May 26, 2009

Home Remedies for Dizziness and Nausea: my husband has been dizzy and nauseous for two days - should he seek medical attention - any home remedies?

You should seek medical attention immediately! A condition like this cannot be taken lightly. Even if after going to a doctor, the condition could be diagnosed as a simple indigestion; there is a high possibility that the condition could be something far worse like a possible stroke, high blood pressure, or a condition in the ear.

Since the list of conditions that could cause dizziness and nausea are very varied, the first thing to do is to treat the symptoms by finding the triggers of a dizzy spell and the nausea. If the trigger is when your husband is getting up from a sleeping or a sitting position, he could be experiencing a blood pressure problem. Getting up should then be done carefully and slowly to avoid falling over or excessive stress to the heart. If on the other hand, the trigger is something concerned to the diet, then there is a possibility that there is some kind of digestive problem and the resulting nausea is causing the electrolyte balance to be disturbed causing dizziness. In case the dizziness and nausea is caused after some kind of trauma to the head then you need to see a neurologist immediately.

Generally, these symptoms are characteristic of some kind of blood pressure problems or problems associated with the brain and cannot be ignored. Start by correcting the electrolyte balance. To do this, make a solution of sugar syrup mixed with salt and give it to your husband. If this is ingested, make him sleep for the next two hours until you can get him to an emergency room. If there is someone in the neighborhood with a blood pressure monitoring sphygmanometer, then use this instrument to measure his blood pressure and ensure that this is alright. The ideal blood pressure should not exceed 120 over 80. This can be confirmed by emergency unit staff. Before this, try and administer some ginger and peppermint tea to your husband. This will ensure that any digestive irregularities are taken care of. Infections of the ear also have the potential to create imbalance that result in nausea and dizziness. This especially follows after an ear infection. Try and ascertain if there is a certain position in which your husband is in that causes the nauseous feeling; let the doctor know about this as well. Once your husband is in the emergency ward, a series of tests will be carried out on him including a CAT scan and a MRI. This will ascertain if there is any clotting that has occurred in the brain, or generally, any kind of brain damage.

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