How does Yoga Help In Counteracting Stress

By Patricia | January 15, 2009
Yoga For Body Fatigue

I Am Stressed And My Body Aches, Any Yoga Suggestions

Every person encounters numerous problems in the course of his daily routine. Life has become stressful as it has become fast, competitive and challenging. The mental fatigue also has its impact on body. We have to consciously take charge of ourselves to overcome the deterrent factors of modern living and improve our life.

Yoga helps in counteracting stress induced health problems. It refreshes the body and mind. Regular practice of yoga postures (Asanas) and controlled breathing technique (Pranayama) is not only beneficial for health and long life, yoga is also an art of living life positively and harmoniously.

The following yoga poses, if practiced daily for minimum half an hour, will reduce stress, keep you calm and collected and your body fit and healthy:

  • Supta Baddha konasana (The Cobbler’s Pose in Lying Position): This yoga pose tranquilizes mind, tones abdominal muscles, lowers blood pressure and loosens knee and hip joints. This posture in lying position is very good for physical and mental fatigue, insomnia, respiratory disorder and gastro-intestinal disorder.
  • Supta Virasana (The Hero’s Pose in Lying Position): This lying posture stretches the abdominal organs and expands the chest and the lungs. The Hero’s Pose also loosens the ankles, knees, hip and the shoulder joints and reduces fat around the thighs and the calves. It improves digestion and also quietens the mind.
  • Makarasana (The Crocodile Pose): The Crocodile Pose also reduces stress and fatigue, improves the diaphragmatic breathing and reduces high blood pressure. This yoga pose is also good for digestive system as it stimulates the small intestine.
  • Anantasana (The Resting Pose of Lord Vishnu): The Resting Pose is good for physical and mental fatigue. This yoga pose strengthens the joints of upper and lower extremities, tones the lungs and the abdominal organs as well as hamstring muscles. It cures backache, improves venous drainage from legs and arms and also prevents the development of hernia.
  • Janusirshana (The Head to Knee Pose): The Head to Knee pose stretches the back muscles fully. The legs and spine become suppler. This yoga pose improves blood flow to pituitary, pineal and thyroid glands, loosens the joints of upper and lower extremities. This pose also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and reduces stress and calms the mind.
  • Shavasana (The Corpse Pose): The Corpse Pose is a complete relaxation pose for body and mind. This pose reduces stress, strain and fatigue and makes you calm.

Simultaneously, rhythmic breathing in Bhastrika (The Bellows) and Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nasal Breathing) will need to be practiced to eliminate the undesirable psychological causes of all human problems and for self-development.

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