Tips And Benefits Of Performing Warrior II, Side Angle And Bow Poses

By Patricia | April 22, 2009
Warrior, Side Angle And Bow Pose

Warrior ii pose

The Warrior II Pose is one of strength and stamina. This pose is not as demanding as the Warrior I Pose and also requires less flexibility or movement of the hips. It is a more relaxed pose that helps to strengthen and stretch the legs and arms, and the shoulders and ankles. Practice of this pose will also help to stretch and expand the chest, enabling you to breathe deeply.

When you perform the Warrior II Pose your legs should be like pillars of strength, firmly rooted to the ground. The Warrior II Pose also stimulates the abdominal organs and facilitates digestion. It is also often included in prenatal yoga, because of the relief it offers for backaches, particularly in the second trimester.

It should however be avoided in cases of patients afflicted with hypertension, diarrhea, and neck injuries or ailments.

Side Angle Pose

The Side Angle Pose serves as an intense stretching routine for the sides of your body, with particular emphasis on the rib cage and the waist. Practice of this yoga pose can also help to develop strength and increase flexibility in the hips, legs and ankles. The Side Angle Pose also helps to enhance your breathing, as it opens up the chest. This off course increases lung capacity.

Proper alignment of your body is essential in this yoga pose. Make sure that you stand straight, with your hips, shoulders and head perfectly aligned. If you find it tough and are attempting the pose for the first time or are a beginner you can even position yourself with your back against a wall.

If you suffer from lower back problems exercise caution and consult a physician before attempting the pose.

Bow Pose

The Bow Pose or Dhanurasana is an advanced back bend. The Bow Pose strengthens the back and spine, and also improves flexibility in the region. Its benefits are not restricted to the spinal region, but it also stretches the abdominal muscles, hips, thighs, and shoulders. Practicing the Bow Pose can also significantly improve the quality of your breathing, as it opens out the chest.

This pose should not be attempted by beginners or unsupervised practitioners as you first need to gain experience practicing simpler back bends like the Bridge Pose. This pose should also be avoided by patients suffering from hypertension.

The most striking and apparent benefit is for the spine and is relevant to all of us who spend our days slouched in front of computers. But this pose offers a variety of other benefits from improving digestion to relieving fatigue and treating respiratory disorders.

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