Home Blogs Most Effective Yoga Methods To Treat Eating Disorders
Most Effective Yoga Methods To Treat Eating Disorders
Patricia | April 28, 2009
Yoga to control food craving
Food craving may not be a serious concern in itself, but a food craving that is given in to, can over time turn into a more serious eating disorder. Food cravings are quite normal, and while it may be fun to indulge your senses occasionally, pandering to these cravings too often can be very problematic. Unfortunately, self control and discipline are not always easy, particularly in the context of food cravings. Giving in to food cravings can also set of a cycle, with decreased self control and increased self indulgence. As the problem escalates eating disorders may develop.
Yoga has now come to be regarded as one of the most effective methods of coping with and preventing eating disorders. Psychological tests and studies have found that practitioners of yoga not only have a greater sense of satisfaction with their bodies and less symptoms of eating disorders, but they also have a much greater sense of self and discipline. It is therefore accepted that yoga is the most effective discipline in the context of food cravings, as compared to other helpful recommendations such as aerobics or even jogging.
The reason for the effectiveness of yoga as compared to other fitness regimes is because yoga is not just a physical fitness discipline, but is in fact a lot more wholesome. This holistic discipline not only nourishes and nurtures your body, but also your mind and your spiritual health. Eating disorders have more to do with psychology than with physical health. Someone who is physically fit need not be emotionally stable, but may in fact suffer from psychological problems such as low self esteem or depression. These are the main conditions that breed eating disorders. These are also the kind of conditions under which it becomes harder to resist a food craving.
Yoga sessions and practice typically include a combination of physical poses or exercises in combination with breathing techniques, and meditation. This combined practice addresses all areas of health, improving physical fitness, strengthening concentration, focus, and self control, and creating a self awakening or discovery of the inner self. Different and specific poses are used to balance the body’s infer functioning and correct or remedy eating disorders. Poses generally recommended include the Crab Pose, the Pigeon Pose, the Locust Pose, the Staff Pose, and the Full Wind Pose, among others. Grounding postures like the Goddess Pose, Mountain Pose, and the Standing and Prayer Squats are also used to increase strength and fortitude.