Different Sources To Increase Hemoglobin

By Patricia | June 2, 2009

Foods rich is iron are believed to boost the level of hemoglobin in the body. Iron supplied to the red blood cells, determine the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia is a blood disorder that takes place when the quantity of hemoglobin in red blood cells is below the requisite amounts depending upon the age and sex of the individual.

Causes of increased hemoglobin

One of the most standard causes of low hemoglobin is nutritional deficiency - especially in iron, folic acid or vitamin B12. For remedial measures, you will need to get yourself tested by a hematologist and also get a complete blood count, including red cell indicators, a reticulocyte tally and a peripheral smear investigation. The medical tests will present an idea of the fundamental causes for anemia, based on which the treatment will depend.

If the medical tests reveal an iron deficiency, diet alone will not be able to supply the needed amount of iron. Your doctor will recommend some iron supplements for a certain period of time, in this case.

Wholegrain meals, edible beans and legumes, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, green and red peppers, fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts and seeds are believed to be good sources of iron. Other sources of iron come from meats, fish, and poultry; however iron absorption gets impaired with excess consumption of caffeinated beverages, hence refrain from consuming tea and coffee for a while.

You must also look into the reasons that are causing low hemoglobin levels some of which can be attributed to pregnancy, loss of heavy blood and dietary restrictions. In some cases individuals are born with a genetic disorder known as haemolytic anemia, wherein the red blood cells are destroyed as soon as they are formed. In the case of aplastic anemia, the red blood cells are destroyed after they are produced in the body, thus reducing the quantity of red blood cells in the human body. Moreover, patients suffering from renal failure, rheumatism, malignant tumors and bowel disease may also experience low blood hemoglobin.

There are some useful natural remedies through which iron absorption can be increased in the body. These include:

Natural Resources

  • Beets: A blend of beet juice with apple juice and honey is a rich source of beta carotene and iron.
  • Bananas: Consuming ripe bananas with honey two times a day a day can help in stimulating the production of hemoglobin in the blood, as bananas are rich sources of iron.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is believed to improve the absorption of iron in the body, and hence patients with low levels of hemoglobin in the body must make it a point to include food items rich in vitamin C, especially through the diet.
  • Honey: Honey is broadly believed to be an excellent home remedy for anemia and apart from increasing the content of hemoglobin in the blood it is also rich in minerals such as manganese, copper and iron.
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